The calorie calculator below helps you find out the nutritional values of over 38,000 foods. To use the computer, look for the desired food in the box below and add the quantity consumed, and the total values will be displayed.
A calorie calculator is an important tool in nutrition, with the help of which you can find data on foods consumed so as to ensure a healthy diet. Also with this tool you can keep a diet IIFYM which assumes that it does not matter what you eat as long as you do not go beyond the limits of macronutrients (calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc.) that you must consume.
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Using the kLory application as a calorie calculator offers the following benefits:
The IIFYM diet involves a diet that allows you to eat anything, as long as the nutritional values consumed at the end of the day fall within certain limits. Our website offers you an IIFYM diet program that is automated according to your needs and data, which will ensure long-term results in a healthy way and without any other problems (eg left skin). All you have to do is get yourself registered and complete your data and your goal. We take care of the rest. Read More »
One site you can use to check calories and macronutrients is Klorii
It's a much nicer interface compared to other sites.
The first time I thought it was the same as MyFitnessPal and I was wondering ... why would I need another similar tool.
The great thing is that it has in the database the nutritional information for the foods we use here in Romania, you can access them immediately, and it has various easy-to-follow charts.
E o aplicație făcuta de un român pentru români și cred că are potențial mare.
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