Calories Spaghetti with minced meat

Spaghete cu carne tocata

Nota gust: 4.80

5 persoane au votat nota alimentului
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Nutrition facts for 100 grams:

Calories: 128.9

  • 128.9 g
  • 14.3 g
  • 4.7 g
  • 5.4 g
  • 0 g
  • 0 g
  • 0 g
alergare usoara
~ 11 minute
alergare usoara
mers cu bicicleta la plimbare
~ 25 minute
plimbare cu bicicleta
~ 16 minute

Food details:

This food contains 128.9 kilocalories (calories) per 100 grams, representing 6.45% of the total 2000 calories recommended daily. The data below can be updated by anyone but the changes require the approval of the administrator.


Carne spaghetti tocata
Spaghetti with minced meat


Caloric density:


Nutrition values ​​report:




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